Executive Search

Finding, recruiting, and developing exceptional people for market leading organisations around the world is what we have built our reputation on. We work with innovative and forward-thinking organisation’s to recruit and develop inclusive executive and board leadership teams. We play a strategic and pivotal role advising corporations on recruitment, retention, succession, diversity, and talent development strategies.

Accelerated Onboarding

We invest in clients and candidates through our market leading onboarding programme. Our onboarding framework has been developed to ensure every person we recruit thrives and makes a difference from day 1.

We have been delivering our onboarding product since our inception in 2008 and understand the challenges senior executives face in the first 3 to 6 months in role.

A case for onboarding

Only one in five (19%) successfully appointed candidates from the external market can be classified as an unequivocal success. World-leading organisation’s understand that diversity is key, but don’t always understand the organisational context needed to support diverse candidates when they join the company. Companies need to think hard about how to be inclusive and to create the right environment from the beginning to create positive outcomes for the individual and the business.

Companies who implement an effective onboarding programme for senior leaders, see a significant increase in retention as a result.


likelihood an individual will leave within the first 18 months of joining an organisation


of new CEOs fail in the first 18 months


of senior executives fail within the first 18 months of promotion into an executive role


of people decide to stay or leave within the first six months of joining a new company

20 times or close to $2.7 million is the estimated cost to an organisation of an executive hire not working out

With McSherry Brown

Our purpose is to ensure the people we recruit thrive over the long-term which is why we deliver an accelerated onboarding programme as part of our search product; our track record speaks for itself:


of people we have recruited through our onboarding programme stay beyond 24 months


of the people recruited by us are still in situ and performing well, five years from the day they started

the average tenure for individuals placed by McSherry Brown is 5 years, superior to the industry average

+44 20 4591 3857